Serving at Copper Hills
Looking for a way to use your gifts to serve the Kingdom? Find your place to serve here at Copper Hills!
Here at Copper Hills, we are pleased to be able to offer a range of ministries which provide great opportunities to serve, lead, make friends and build lasting relationships.
If you are ready to answer the call to serve, click the button below!
Serving Opportunities at Copper Hills Church
Check out all of the serving positions at Copper Hills to find the right area for you!
We are called to serve
As Jesus followers, we are called to follow in His steps through selfless acts of love, compassion, and service to others. Our church provides a nurturing environment for spiritual growth, empowering you to spread Jesus’ message of hope, forgiveness, and redemption through serving.
Ready to Get Involved?
Click the button below to get plugged into a serving opportunity!