Copper Hills 101
From Attending to Belonging
What is Copper Hills 101?
We want everyone at Copper Hills to move from just attending to actually belonging. We aren’t made to do life alone. We want to do life together, and we want to do it with you.
Copper Hills 101 is a relaxed, informal evening designed to introduce you to our values and vision and guide you on your path towards a deeper connection with Jesus and the Copper Hills community. Throughout the evening, you will also learn about what it means to formalize your connection to Copper Hills through membership.
No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, Copper Hills 101 is designed to help you discover your unique place in our church family and set you on a path to take your next step towards Jesus. Whether you are a brand-new believer or you have been following Jesus for your whole life, we want to meet you where you’re at on your personal faith journey and let you know you belong.
Multiple sessions of Copper Hills 101 are held throughout the year. Sign up below and don’t miss your chance to get connected!

Whether you’ve been coming to Copper Hills for two weeks or two years, if you’ve never participated in a session of Copper Hills 101, then this night is for you!
While childcare is not provided, we believe that the information at Copper Hills 101 is so important that we will pay for your babysitter for the evening. Seriously. Contact our office for more information.
A typical Copper Hills 101 session is about 2 hours.
Copper Hills 101 is a one-night gathering that consists of a brief history of Copper Hills, what we believe as a church, and what it looks like to get formally connected to Copper Hills. At the end of the night, there will be a Q&A section where you can get answers to any questions you have about Copper Hills!
At the end of your session of Copper Hills 101, you will be given a membership form. We encourage you to take some time after attending Copper Hills 101 to pray about formalizing your connection to Copper Hills through membership. Completed membership forms can be turned in at the end of the night or at our church office.