Copper Hills Kids
“Therefore as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed, and overflowing with gratitude.”
Colossians 2:6-7

Your First Visit
On your first visit, look for the Kids Check-In area. You’ll notice lots of friendly faces eager to meet your family.
We want to serve you and your family well, so we’ll take some time to get to know you and your children. We’ll ask about allergies and any other specific information that pertains to your children and collect your contact information.
Then, you and your child will both get a sticker with a matching code. This sticker is what you’ll use to pick-up your child after the service. If for any reason we need to reach you during the service, one of our team leaders will contact you through text or phone call.
Special Needs
Every child matters to us. Programming for children with special needs is available. For more information, please contact kevin@copperhills.org
Check-in Made Easy
Enjoy a seamless drop-off on Sunday mornings with our new, easy to use check-in system! Follow the instructions below for a simple check-in process.
Create a Family Profile
To register for our check-in system, simply click on the form below and enter your family’s information. Done!
Check-in With Phone Number
On Sunday morning, enter your phone number at our check-in kiosks, select your kids, and print their tags!
Check-in With QR Code
For the fastest check-in experience, download the Church Center app and scan your custom QR code!

6 Weeks to K
Sunday Mornings - Downstairs
6-week-olds through Kindergarteners will learn the deep characteristics of God in a simple way. Our hope is that they would come to know God and the immense love He has for them!
Your child will experience interactive lessons geared toward our 12 Biblical Truths that all point to God.
1st-3rd Grade
Sunday Mornings - Upstairs
1st-3rd graders will begin to form a foundation that encourages them to open, seek, and study their Bibles in a new and exciting way!
Your 1st-3rd grader will experience lessons straight from “What’s In Bible” curriculum that appropriately walks them through understanding God’s Word.
4-6th Grade
Sunday Mornings - Upstairs
4th-6th graders will learn about what it looks like to be independently dependent on God through an active relationship with Him.
Your 4th-6th grader will experience discussion-based lessons that dive deep into how to have a personal relationship with God.