“Follow me…” (Jesus of Nazareth)
Jesus’s invitation to follow him is echoed in our mission: to help each other increasingly do the next moment with Jesus by intentionally Being With him, resulting in increasingly Thinking Like him and increasingly being Mistaken for him. Join us as we explore Jesus’ invitation to follow him, learn to walk His speed—the speed of love, unhurried—and uncover or rediscover the habits, practices, and relational rhythms that create space for God to do His transformative work in our lives.
Solitude: Creating Space to Be With God
Solitude is a sacred space where we can retreat from the noise of daily life and cultivate a deeper connection with God. In the quiet, free from distractions, we open our hearts to listen and reflect. This intentional time alone allows us to center our thoughts, seek clarity, and experience the peace that comes from being fully present with God. In solitude, we are reminded of His presence, His guidance, and His love, enabling us to grow spiritually and find strength for life's challenges.
In this Spiritual Practices session we'll explore solitude and how it can deepen our relationship and walk with Jesus.